Wuxi ACRYL Technology Co., Ltd.

Time: 2019/5/6Click:
Solution to the problem of non-compliance of hazardous waste warehouse identification labels for Phase I project: Hazardous waste labels have been posted according to regulatory requirements
Solution to the problem of abnormal use of emergency lighting devices: The emergency equipment in the warehouse has been comprehensively renovated and has been rectified
Solution to the problem of no identification mark for fly ash in hazardous waste warehouse: A fly ash identification mark has been set up
For the second factory project (including self built waste incineration and disposal facilities) that has not yet been accepted, the solution is to complete the water, gas, and sound acceptance, and the solid waste is awaiting acceptance by the municipal bureau
Solution to the problem of non collection of waste gas in hazardous waste warehouses: Activated carbon adsorption devices have been installed in the hazardous waste warehouses
For the problem of sludge over storage and untreated sludge generated in 2015, the solution was to outsource the disposal of over storage sludge in October 2018
For the problem of not declaring the dilute ammonia water generated in the fatty amine synthesis distillation condensation section in the hazardous waste management plan, the solution is as follows: The dilute ammonia water generated in the fatty amine synthesis distillation condensation section has been declared in the 2019 management plan